The entire Integrity Chiropractic team is super excited about our move (if you didn't see that post) and we wanted to keep you updated with our build out progress 👷 as we move to our new location in Totem Lake.
November 5th, 2019
The most notable difference about our new space in Totem Lake is that we will not have a large waiting area like we did at our current space. We've always tried to keep our clinic running on time and not make anyone wait more than a few minutes at most because we've all had that bad experience of waiting forever to see who you came to see. In that sense, we've never really needed space there. Besides, no one ever got better sitting in a waiting area. 😉

As I have constantly worked to deliver better and better care over the years, my needs for space in my treatment room has increased as well. It's hard to tell in this picture, but this will be my new chiropractic treatment room which I estimate to be 2.5-3 times the square footage of my current room and will allow me greater flexibility for rehab and exercise therapy with my patients when I need it. I won't lie, I'll probably do a few kettlebell swings in there during my breaks.

Families often like to stick together, so this will also make that much more convenient. (Like when parents need to bring their kids along for example.)
We'll be gaining an extra massage room which we will likely dedicate to Thai Yoga/Floor Stretching protocols that Elizabeth has developed over the past couple years to add an extra dimension to our massage treatment offered here.

One nice thing about this new location too is the acoustics of the building is much better than the last and we will no longer be on the side of a busy street. Yay!

That's the update for now!
November 12th, 2019
We are excited to see the paint finished on all our walls. We've enjoyed the soothing atmosphere of our current office for the past 5 years and are trying to maintain the same feel and look when patients come into our office. I've always wanted people to feel comfortable and at ease when they come into the office.

Our reception desk is coming along nicely as well. Next up is a laminate top for a working surface and a white stone accent top to go along the raised part of the desk.

The new chiropractic treatment room is also looking wonderful. I am personally looking forward to treating my patients in the larger space each coming day.

That's today's update!
November 15th, 2019
We're getting close to being finished!
The flooring has all been completed. The last thing is getting our stone counter-top for our reception desk and treatment room windows frosted for privacy. Then we can start moving in!

We love the flooring of our new office as it brings a nice energy and modern look to the place.

The engineered flooring looks and feels great. It also compliments our paint colors nicely.

I'm looking forward to this room each coming day! We're almost there!